
Showing posts from November, 2020

Keyword Research For Blog Posts: Expectations vs. Reality

Majority of them believes that they will get traffic if a high volume keyword is added to the content, there are a lot more research is involved. In fact, research is the most time-consuming part. You must understand the types of keyword available and it's benefits. Keyword Research is the vast subject it is not practical to master it in one or two days, it needs continues practice.  Long Tail Pro is a powerful keyword research software. Long Tail Pro allows the user to generate hundreds or thousands of unique “Long Tail” keywords in a matter of minutes based on 1 single root keyword or multiple root keywords at once. The need for Long Tail Pro was born out of the experience of spending countless hours searching for low competition keywords. Long Tail Pro allows you to generate much more than 1000 keywords using the data from the keyword tool. The most popular keywords are: Longtail keyword Phrase match keyword Exact match keyword Broad match keyword Related keywor

This Week's Top Stories About Semantically Related Keyword

“ Semantic keywords ” refer to the meaning and intent behind a specific  keyword  phrase. When someone enters a search query into the search engine, there is some user intent behind that search. Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with deriving meaning from words. Semantically  related keywords  are simply words or phrases that are in a related to each other conceptually “Semantic search” is the idea that when modern search engines look for webpages to rank, they don’t only look for matching keywords, but they attempt to identify the intent and the deeper meaning of a search based on each of the words used in the  query. Try LongTailPro - the keyword research tool being used by experts.

Broad Match Keyword – Everything You Need to Know

Broad match keyword allows the ad to show when the keyword is present anywhere within the search query. If your keyword is  chiffon sarees , then your ad will be shown for search queries such as  printed chiffon sarees  or  sarees in chiffon  but not for search queries such as  silk sarees.  Also, Broad match show for all close variants of the term as well as synonyms. LongTailPro - Undoubtedly the best keyword research tool for the blog, content marketing, SEO etc...

The questions about exact match keyword – Answered!

Exact match keyword your ad will be shown only if your search query exactly matches your bided keyword. For instance, if your keyword is  [soft toy]  then your ad will not show only for the search query soft toy. It means for other search queries such as  teddy soft toy  or  soft toy for kids , your ad will not show. The exact match type will show for close variants and also include any reordering or rephrasing of the word, as long as the meaning doesn’t change. LongTailPro - A must explore the best keyword research tool.

Phrase Match Keyword Poll of the Day

  Phrase match  keyword triggers your ad to show only when someone searches for your exact keyword phrase, or close variations of your exact keyword phrase, with potentially other words before or after that phrase. ... Example: if your keyword is “ pink pyjamas ” then your ad will be shown for queries such as  pink pyjamas for girls  or  pink pyjamas and t-shirts . Your ad will not show for queries such as  p yjamas in pink color  or  pink and printed pyjamas. LongTailPro - A highly recommended best keyword research tool!

Will Long Tail Keywords Ever Rule the World?

A  Long tail keyword  is search phrases with longer word counts. Their length makes them more specific than searches with fewer words. Focusing on longtail keyword is a great SEO tactic. Long tailed keywords are keywords or key phrases that are more specific – and usually longer – than more commonly used keywords. Long tailed keyword gets less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific. Keyword longtail  is well-targeted search phrases that have high searcher intent. These keywords have low competition and search volume but higher conversion rates. Long-tail keywords send out the right message that fulfils customers' needs. LongTailPro - the most underrated long-tail keyword research tools available on the internet.